World Cat Day

Breaking prejudices and demystifying myths associated with this species

Today we celebrate World Cat Day, a day dedicated to honoring and appreciating these incredible companion animals that fill our homes with joy and love. This day is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the importance they have in our lives, but also to break prejudices and demystify myths associated with this species.

Cats are fascinating animals that exude personality and charisma. Since ancient times, they have been revered and cherished – the Egyptians, for example, considered cats sacred and symbols of protection. Nowadays, cats continue to captivate us with their grace, independence, and tenderness.

Besides their marked personality, cats are companion animals that can bring us numerous benefits. They are recognized for being excellent companions, providing comfort and joy to their caregivers. The simple act of petting a cat can reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of well-being and tranquility. Furthermore, the presence of a cat at home can help reduce the feeling of loneliness through constant companionship.

One of the most amplified myths about cats is the (incorrect) notion that pregnant women cannot be in contact with these animals due to the risk of a well-known zoonosis: toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which can be transmitted through the feces of infected cats. However, it is important to clarify that the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis from a well-cared-for domestic cat is extremely low.

To further reduce this risk, there are simple measures that can be adopted. For example, one should avoid cleaning the cat’s litter box, delegating this task to someone else. If this is not possible, it is advisable to use gloves and wash hands thoroughly after cleaning. Additionally, it is important to keep the cat indoors and avoid feeding it raw meat. One thing is certain: toxoplasmosis is not at all a reason to give up our cat and its companionship.

Another common myth is the idea that cats are treacherous and not as loyal as other pets, such as dogs. This belief often stems from cats’ independent nature and their unique way of expressing affection. However, studies show that cats form equally strong bonds with their caregivers and demonstrate loyalty in subtle ways, such as following us around the house, sleeping near us, and bringing us gifts like small toys.

Contrary to popular belief, cats are social animals that appreciate human company. They can be as loyal and affectionate as dogs, with the difference that they express their affection differently. Understanding cats’ body language and behaviors will certainly help dismantle the idea that they are unreliable.

Not just on this day, but every day, it is essential to recognize the positive influence these animals have on our lives. Cats are not just pets; they are family members who, every day, gift us with their unconditional love and unforgettable moments of fun.
Therefore, this day should be a celebration of the joy, love, and companionship that these very special animals bring us. It is an opportunity to appreciate them in all their splendor, demystify harmful myths, and promote harmonious and healthy coexistence between humans and cats.

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